Hyped Books I Don’t Feel Like Reading (Ever or Just for Now) | Top 10 Tuesday

Top 10 tuesdayTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week’s topic was a FREEBIE, meaning we each got to choose our own. I was having some trouble with this one until I started to think of a current phenomenon in my reading life: the anti-hype.

We all experience book hype. It’s all over blogs, twitter, youtube, instagram, etc. Usually it makes us want to pick up a book RIGHT THIS SECOND. But lately, I’ve been experiencing the anti-hype with a lot of titles, causing me to not want to pick them up (sometimes at all, and sometimes just for now). Here are some of those titles being affected by the anti-hype!

10. you by caroline kepnes

This is a creepier read that everyone has been picking up, and honestly, it is just not my genre. This is one I don’t think I’ll ever be picking up.

9. the fever series by karen marie moning

This is a series I’ve actually been meaning to pick up for some time. My good friend Sarah-Jane from The Book Life has been gushing about it since before I even knew her. But the recent influx of everyone reading it has turned me off to it…for now. This is one I will eventually get to.

8. the girl on the train by paula hawkins

Another thriller, which is just not my genre. Plus people have been saying it’s predictable. I’m on the wait list for the audiobook at my library, but I’m honestly in no rush. I might even pass it by.

7. miss peregrine’s home for peculiar children trilogy by ransom riggs

With all of the movie news and the final book coming out soon, you’d think I’d be all over this, right? Wrong. This is another one on the maybe pile. Creepy just doesn’t tend to be for me.

6. the vampire academy series by richelle mead

Iconic. But I don’t know when I’m ever going to have the motivation to pick up this huge series, plus it’s companion series. The more time goes on, the more I hear mixed things about it. I want to give it a shot, I just don’t know when that will be.

5. the selection series by kiera cass

This seems to be one of those love it or hate it series, and I think I will be part of the latter if I were to pick this up. Plus, I know how it ends. So what is the point…?

4. illuminae by amie kaufman and jay kristoff

This is an upcoming release that I grabbed an ARC of at BEA (they were handing this one out like candy). This one has been blowing up, especially on twitter and in the blogging community, but for some reason it is just not calling to me at the moment. I may try to pick it up before release just to see if it grabs me after all.

3. me before you by jojo moyes

Everyone has been gushing about this, and with the movie coming up it definitely has me intrigued. It doesn’t suit my mood at the moment though. I do plan on reading this one in the future.

2. nimona by noelle stevenson

I know I know. I own this one and everything. But I just have no motivation to pick it up at the moment. Eventually…

1. queen of shadows by sarah j maas

The book that inspired the list to be honest. The anti-hype for this one has been so real. I’m actually actively dreading reading it, to the point where I don’t even own it yet. There are a lot of things I know I’m not going to like about this book and I do not like how a lot of the series’ problematic elements are actively getting worse instead of better. Will I pick this one up eventually? Maybe. But not until I have stopped actively dreading it.

Are there any books you are currently experiencing anti-hype for?

Samantha Signature

20 thoughts on “Hyped Books I Don’t Feel Like Reading (Ever or Just for Now) | Top 10 Tuesday

  1. carryreads says:

    I agree with No. 1 so hard. The more I see it the more I’m against it somehow. It looks very high fantasy for me, which I really don’t enjoy. Me before you rather surprised me as I’m not into illness stories. And I can understand you view on The Selection. Personally, I loved it but I see why people might not!


    • thoughtsontomes says:

      I think with QoS, it’s just been the over-saturation. Everyone is talking about it and I don’t feel like entering that conversation right now, especially with how heated the disagreeing parties can get.
      I do plan on reading Me Before You, and I think I will have the same reaction as you. I just don’t know when I’ll be motivated to get to it.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. BooksatDawn says:

    The Vampire Academy is on my maybe TBR list too. And as for QoS, people have been hating on it for the wrong reasons, so I’m interested to see what I’m going to think about it when I finally get down to reading it.

    Great list!


  3. Salma (@salmaread) says:

    Definitely QUEEN OF SHADOWS for me.I can’t bring myself to pick it up.
    It’s not that I don’t like the serie,the problem is that I feel kinda Meh about celaena’s character.
    When I finished Heir of Fire I was more interested in Manon storyline tbh.


    • thoughtsontomes says:

      I feel the same way character-wise! I have never been a big fan of Celaena. Manon was far more interesting to me in HoF as well. And since I’m not a fan of Celaena, it makes it hard to read. I enjoy a lot of the other characters, but I find the protagonist grates on my nerves for numerous reasons.


    • thoughtsontomes says:

      That’s how I felt about Illuminae too. I grabbed one just because it was everywhere, not knowing what it was about and was going to give it away. Now I’m intrigued because of all the hype, but I’m also still really cautious.


  4. espressodream says:

    I feel the same regarding no.1, no.5 and no.6; despite the positive reviews and the hype I just do not feel the motivation to pick any of those up. Although I am intrigued by Nimona…but am in no rush to pick up a copy. Good list 🙂


  5. alecksis says:

    Miss Peregrine’s is such a struggle for me because I want it to be creepy, but it has more of an adventure feel to it. I love YA Horror so I was so disappointed… But I think if you’re turned off by the possibility of creepiness, you might be pleasantly surprised.

    “You” is a book I would not recommend to anyone, even though it’s a personal favorite.

    I read the first book to Vampire Academy and HATED it. Tried the second book (I have the first 4 on my kindle) and it was even worse.

    I’m feeling that QoS anti-hype.


    • thoughtsontomes says:

      I’ve heard that before about Miss Peregrine’s, but I honestly don’t even know what it’s about. I know it’s a popular series, but no one really talks about it.
      The QoS anti-hype is still going strong.


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